Industrial Hemp is a newly legalized crop in Idaho. House Bill 126 authorizes the production, research, processing, and transportation of industrial hemp by those licensed in Idaho. Since this is a newer industry there are many questions about licensing, legality, seed cultivars, harvesting techniques, yields, and where to sell material after it is harvested that we felt were important to answer and create a conversation around. We are excited to work alongside IND HEMP, 1000 Springs Mill, Idaho Department of Agriculture, and the Idaho Farm Bureau in presenting the 2022 Hemp Producers Meeting on Friday, February 4th in Buhl, ID.
Idaho has the fifth largest agriculture economy in the United States. The opportunity to introduce a crop that is capable of producing significant quantities of paper, textiles, building materials, food, medicine, paint, detergent, varnish, oil, ink and fuel is exciting. As an up-and-coming US manufacturer of plant-based building materials, we have been working with our partners in developing the industrial hemp supply chain in Idaho. The 2022 Hemp Producers meeting will create a strong foundation with the resources and networks necessary for this new industry to emerge.
We have assembled a diverse panel of presenters who have experience and/or are knowledgeable about the challenges and opportunities associated with establishing a newly emerging hemp fiber industry. We want to be upfront about the risks, opportunities, processes, and costs that you might expect in harvesting Hemp.
This meeting will include the following presenters:
-Ben Brimlow (IND HEMP): IND Hemp is a Montana-based oil, seed, and hemp processor with a mission to help provide farmers with new opportunities. As the IND HEMP agronomist, Ben will speak on how industrial hemp is grown, harvesting techniques, and genetics available to farmers through IND HEMP
-Tim Corney (1000 Springs Mill): Tim will speak on his perspectives on Industrial Hemp in Idaho as someone who has been involved in the grain cultivation industry and the legalization of this crop in Idaho. He is planning on planting Hemp for grain (seed) in the 2022 season.
-Casey Monn and Chanel Tewalt (Idaho Department of Agriculture): Casey and Chanel will present on Idaho licensing requirements and regulations for industrial Hemp in Idaho
-Mattie Mead (Hempitecture): Hempitecture is a sustainable building materials manufacturer of HempWool insulation. Mattie will share information on their upcoming production facility in Jerome county, end markets for raw hemp materials, and their intention for building a natural fiber supply chain in Idaho
When: Friday, February 4th at 11:00 AM
*Due to an overwhelming attendee response, we will only be providing light snacks. Please come prepared.
Where: 1000 Spring Mills - 430 7th Ave S., Buhl, ID 83315
For those unable to attend our in-person meeting, we have created a Zoom option.
Here is the information for those joining us virtually:
Topic: 2022 Industrial Hemp Producers Meeting
Time: Feb 4, 2022 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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